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“Oh My Dollz” is an online fashion and lifestyle game developed and published by the French gaming company Feerik. The game allows players to create and personalize their virtual dolls, designing their appearance, outfits, and living spaces. Players can participate in various activities, such as shopping for clothes, decorating their doll’s home, and interacting with other players.
The main focus of “Oh My Dollz” is on fashion and social interaction. Players can engage in fashion contests, where they showcase their doll’s style and compete with others. The in-game currency, called “Fee’z,” is used to purchase items and unlock additional features. The social aspect involves visiting other players’ dolls, making friends, and chatting within the game’s community.
“The game ‘Oh My Dollz’ has not been updated since 2021 due to the migration from Flash to Unity. Since then, the game has not received any updates and has several bugs. Nevertheless, the game remains online, and missions continue to be active according to the seasons. Additionally, promotions, offers, and monthly contests are still being activated.

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